Breeding Boxes for sale

I make and sell breeding boxes for native fish these are the same design that I used when I successfully bred my blackfish you can see they have some holes at one end this is to allow some water flow while the closed end offers the fish and eggs some protection from predators, the handle allows for depth adjustment and can be made longer if required.

DSCF0857The object leaning against the shed door is a bat box designed for our local insect eating bats, there are five or six different  bats in western Victoria all are very small without their wings they would be smaller than a mouse.

the bat box is $14 the fish boxes are $12 plus delivery.

I will advise on installation to each individual buyer as different fish require different placement. Money from the sales will go towards the fish breeding facility.

If you are interested please phone 0407843998 or leave your details in comments thank you.

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