
If you love the outdoors as much as I do then you must hate to see litter lying about .it is our responsibility  to make sure we leave a place as good if not better than we found it.

Today we were trying our new electric anchor winch out off the coast lady bay when I noticed this net floating in the water ,it is clearly a  pro fishers net torn off in heavy seas or come adrift somehow ,how it got there is not my problem . this could get around the neck off sea creatures or even around some bodies prop it would ruin your day ,so pick it up and destroy itDSCF0658.JPG responsibly .

Chemical Free

When there are no chemicals used around the fish farm all sorts of animals turn up, we have had copper head snakes, huntsman and red back spiders, bats but my favourite is this blue tonged lizard he has been hanging around for months probably feeding on the snail that seem to be every where.

DSCF0650.JPGas you can see its doing fine it has just shed its skin. I found it in a yabbie net near the dam it was not in the water.

leak stopping

This dam has leaked from the moment it was dug due to the soil, left hand photo shows the floor of the dam with some timber at top which will become habitat once the dam fills . the truck in the bottom right hand photo is dropping of a load of clay this will be spread out on the bottom of the dam and then sealed with a water proofing agent. at least that’s the plan.