On a recent trip to London I found an old book on fishing in the city, this book printed in 1885 ( that’s 133 years ago ) gives details about fishing around the United Kingdom and is a good read, along with the text are 17 plates all showing different tackle along with tied flies and insects of the time ( six coloured plates ).
The author of the book is Francis Francis (The author and his Gillie plate 0, ) a well-known fisherman of his time he travelled extensively throughout the UK and some parts of Europe.
Some lucky individuals out there may have a copy of this book, however this books spine is broken and this means printing the plates is possible without further damage to the book, this means I can now make it possible for individuals to own one or more of these incredible printed plates. I have asked a local and well-respected printer to print them and below is the result. The coloured plates are incredible while the black and white ones are instructive of the fishing methods that were used then and maybe even today, along the Thames and other rivers in England .
The price to follow
If you wish to purchase any of these wonderful plates go to fishsticks .co and view the shop blog or view the post below .
All funds raised from the sale of these plates will go towards my work breeding the River Blackfish, Gadopsis marmoratus.

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