A gorilla dropped his glass.

I took the beautiful SASH out on Bullen Merri today in search of the lost ww1 cannon , we arrived at the boat ramp to find a broken stubby all over the ramp, people everywhere in bare feet , not a good start,DSCF1627.JPGDSCF1628.JPG



After picking up as much as we could we turned our attention to the mystery of the lost cannon.

the water at the ramp looked a little green and there was a strong northerly breeze across the lake,  we set of across the lake to a likely spot but the visibility in the water was poor and a speed boat with a skier in tow kept sending bow waves at us and some fishers on shore.


[wpvideo 9kWvezL0]

But alas it was no good, even though there was no sign of the algae that was present at the start of summer the water is green and after several days of sunshine I fear it will bloom again .

I think the next attempt to find the cannon will be mid winter when the water is at its best.

Tomorrow I am off to the Gellibrand to inspect some fish hotels hopefully with more success that today.


Bottle ohh

We as fishermen must call out those who would wreck our sport, people who take more fish  than is legal or that are  undersize but the worst breach of all is rubbish, not only is it an eyesore but it can be a hazard , things such as needles or like this latest case broken bottles , and keyboard greenies will use it to further limit our activities. I have reported this to the Corangamite shire and they assure me it will be cleaned up .


[wpvideo nKPOddSO]

Log Cabin

These two logs were saved after the fires , they have been in a dam that needs new clay so it gives me a chance to show you what really good habitat looks like, this is the kind habitat that the Corangamite CMA should be putting in local rivers and streams.


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Bullen Merri

I would like to thank the people who wrote and published this article in the Cobden coast times, hopefully it will make a difference, I know the author uses the lake often when it is free of algae but like most of us they are waiting for it to clear.





I took the beautiful SASH out for a fish the other day and two new of Blackfish Action Members members from south Australia   came along and they had a good time on undersized Black Bream on the Curdies river upstream of the hotel.


DSCF1587.JPGDSCF1588.JPGDSCF1589.JPGJarod and Andrew are both keen anglers , its great to see young people enthusiastic about fish and the environment.

The Curdies looks in good condition, its not open to the sea at the moment  so is high and full of fish that are just under size.


The bureaucracies that are tasked with the welfare of this lake should hang their heads in shame, on this blog and elsewhere we have condemned the Govt of NSW and Queensland of neglecting the Darling river, well we have the same ineptitude here in southwest Victoria to have Bullen Merri closed at the peak time of the year for holiday makers is madness and heads should roll.


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[wpvideo jTdR8D9W]

If this does bloom not abate soon then fish kills are a possibility , as fishers, we place fish into these lakes in the hope of catching them one day , if we have a fish kill in this lake then thousand  of quality fish will die.

As a fish farmer I know there are solutions to this condition, the problem starts when the bureaucracies take control of the waterway assuring us people (the true owners) that they are the proper agency to manage the asset and then once they have control they sit on their hands and see this once beautiful lake destroyed.


Not Agro

In the literature  its said that blackfish are aggressive this is not right, in the video below you can see five or maybe six fish are excited but they are not aggressive instead I would say they are cautions and excited.


[wpvideo Lzk4g9Kz]

On the upside the fish look healthy not overly fat but that would be that they are just beginning to put on weight after a long winter, the pond there in is in great shape ,lots of weeds an over hanging tree branches , as yet I have not seen any blackfish young but there is still time.