UPDATE: I went back to the Cooriemungle creek after heavy rain today and found the creek flooded, if I was standing there right now I would be under water .
[wpvideo J4Xx1dZv]
This is the bridge where I recorded the video below , this water is bound for the southern ocean where it serves no purpose , you would think it would be better kept in the river to support blackfish and platypus , but due to heavy erosion from past clearing of the Heystbury forest it is so silted up that most of this water will not be there in a few short months.
below is some pictures of the clearing of the land in the catchment of this creek , I know this because i was on a farm cleared in the 1960 and saw this first hand.
We did this to the creek with bulldozers and stump jump ploughs , so we can fix it and I dont know why something hasn’t been done to date.
If people are serious about saving native animals such as the blackfish and platypus then here is a golden opportunity to do just that , having endless rounds of meetings and sending text to each other will do nothing to fix the situation.
I visited the Cooriemungle creek recently and found not much has changed , this creek once held blackfish and platypus but not anymore.
[wpvideo PKwlcLqx]
I have repeatedly asked the overseers of these rivers and creeks for action and none has been forthcoming .
for those who want more info you can call me on 0407843998.