Some of you will know that I have had trouble keeping water in my dams so I decided to put a liner in the front one , I got the liner from Geoff Miller and I have to say so far they have been great to deal with, when I mentioned about the ground being a little rocky they suggested i cover the floor of the dam with used carpet, this was a little weird given i spent most of my working life laying carpets and vinyls and now when I need them I had none , so i returned to my former employers at Carpet Choice in Warrnambool and over about six weeks I found enough carpet scraps to complete the mission.
I would like to thank all of the workers at Carpet Choice for there patients over this time and a special thank you to Rowan who works in the cutting room of the shop.
So i flew the drone over it to show you, so here it is .
[wpvideo jf4SphWf]
The blue drum on the bank is an aerator that will go back in after the liner is settle in the large rock with the concrete slab around it is a future BBQ areas , the rocks on the bank will hold the liner down .
when i take the drone up high you can see ponds 4,3,2 from left to right pond 4 has the fish that were first going to Lake Mumblin them I was going to sell them now I am waiting on a geneticist to see if they can be returned to the Gellibrand where their parents came from.
the middle pond no 3 has no fish its where I get my yabbies for feeding the fish.
the last pond on the right no 2 pond has seven fish from the Gellibrand system that I am hoping to breed from so there young can also go back to the Gellibrand to help that fishery that is in so much trouble .
Of course along the way I have learnt so much about the behaviour of these fish and now i am embarking on a trial to see if we can breed them in tanks , this is the forerunner to a hatchery.