It has taken three years and a lot of hard work but i think and I hope the dam thing holds water this time.
It has taken three years and a lot of hard work but i think and I hope the dam thing holds water this time.
I recently had a small part in a book about my ongoing attempts to breed river blackfish.
There is a new sign out the front of the farm here at fishsticks.co .
The sign was made by:
Kermeen & Co
Well no all the same in fact they are all different in some way , what am I talking about, fish tanks of course.
I have eight healthy fish two in each tank and all seem happy and in good shape so lets go through the tanks and their differences .
Tank 1/ or what we call the sump:
The sump is simply a large farm trough buried in the ground and is out in the open it drains into the pond 1-2-3 depending on which tap is turned on, because it is in the ground it stays a little warmer it also allows insects such as crickets , grasshoppers and even worms to enter the tank.
The next set up is an aquaponics setup that I got from neighbors when they were leaving the area ( hi to Kerry and Lyla) this setup could be used in remote location and run of solar power, the plants you see are Nardoo which I use to plant in my floating habitats in the summer, its seems to be working well , its gets a bit hot in the greenhouse so I have to keep adding cool water.
Tank no 3/. tank no 3/ is located outside above ground , and the fish do well in , I have a filter on on it to keep water fresh the fish have settled in nicely , this would be the preferred option for a small hatchery should it work and the fish breed.
The black plastic is there to add some heat during the winter months, not much but every bit helps , the fish like it because its nice and dark, fresh water from a tank over flow also runs into this tank.
Tank no 5/ this tank sits out under trees and faces the southern winds so I wrapped it with insulation paper to help keep it a bit warmer , it gets rain water when it rains otherwise I have to keep topping it up to make sure the water stays healthy , this tank is isolated from the others and noise is kept to a minimum around breeding time.
The gates were burnt in the fires and I thought they would make good bird protection , all the takes are aerated and I find food each day for them , in the winter time they barely eat their metabolism slows down and if they eat to much it will turn septic in their guts and make them sick.
I prefer these tanks over the poly tanks with sloping bottoms , the sloping tanks tend to push fish together and around breeding time that’s no a good idea, they can fight and cause injury to other fish, the flat bottoms allow fish to be away from each
So all in all I have four chances for fish to breed if I am not successful this year I will move the fish around and try again next year.
Many hours of hard work went into this dam and its surrounds, and its good to see it full or almost , just a few inches to go .
The photo top left shows the frame for a bridge it will only be for foot traffic and the ride on mower , the photo bottom right is a landing for kayaks , the two photos on the top right are from inside my fishing shack.
I intend to fill this dam with blackfish soon , and then I will have a full time scaring the birds off.
This is what I have been doing since the pandemic started , I have helped keep the local hardware shop going , I built the shed over a rock that was pulled out of the dam when it was first dug and I thought it would make a good table.
Depending on what the genetics say some fish will go into this dam to act as brood stock for the farm I may even allow folks to come fish for some one day, catch and release of course.
hi to Billy .
I have Tarmo Raadik coming to my farm soon to test the fish that I offered to fisheries five years ago. if the test go well they may be allowed to be put back into the Gellibrand river , so in order to get ready Tarmo wants me to have twenty fish for him to get a good sample , so not having enough tanks with aeration I will have to adapt a few smaller ones , I have a tank given to me by George Paras a member of the group (Blackfish Action Members) and apart from keeping a few Yabbies for food I have yet to find a purpose for it , not any more .
We have known that we have Swamp Rats living around the pond so we don’t mew the grass but when I lifted up the tank from George this what I found. They make these burrows all over the place looking for food , we thought that the fire in 2017 had done for them who knew.
This was sent to me by Tim Curmi from Native Fish Australia for comment and i am asking if any of the group have a comment.
I for one would like some more attention on blackfish.
Invitation to comment on Victoria’s Vic Fish Stock draft fish stocking plan for 2020-21
Victoria is blessed with numerous waterways that provide a wide range of fishing opportunities. Many of these fisheries are reliant on fish stocking and every year the Victorian Fisheries Authority (VFA) stocks suitable Victorian inland lakes, impoundments and rivers with key recreational angling species to create, maintain or improve fishing. Under the State Government’s Target One Million Plan to get more people fishing more often, fishing stocking numbers are being increased towards 10 million fish per year in 2022 to provide more fishing opportunities for anglers across Victoria.
To ensure the best use of the fish available to the stocking program, the VFA consults annually with recreational fishers to discuss the performance of Victoria’s stocked fisheries and to develop the annual stocking program. Generally, consultation regarding fish stocking is undertaken at Vic Fish Stock meetings held around the state, but due to COVID -19 restrictions, the following draft fish stocking plan has been prepared and distributed for consideration by the recreational fishing community.
The draft stocking plan aims to stock a record 8 million fish for the period of April 2020 to March 2021. The plan considers past performances of fisheries and includes forward thinking to grow key destination recreational fisheries across the state. The plan is based on Snobs Creek production targets and budgeted fish purchases and thus may be subject to change.
Highlights of the proposed plan:
o 3.7 million golden perch o 1.3 million salmonids
Recreational fishers are invited to comment on the plan by emailing John Douglas, Fisheries Manager, Victorian Fisheries Authority:
Submissions will be close at 5.00 pm Friday 12 June.
Submissions will be assessed for concurrence and consistency with fish stocking policy requirements and fish availability to create the final stocking program.
Barwon South West Water Species Number Alexandra Lake (Ararat) Rainbow trout 600 Aringa Reservoir (Port Fairy) Brown trout 1000 Aringa Reservoir (Port Fairy) Rainbow trout 1000 Bannockburn Lagoon (Bannockburn) Rainbow trout 600 Beaufort Lake (Beaufort) Brown trout 1000 Beaufort Lake (Beaufort) Rainbow trout 1500 Bellfield Reservoir (Halls Gap) Brown trout 10000 Bellfield Reservoir (Halls Gap) Golden perch 70000 Bellfield Reservoir (Halls Gap) Murray cod 50000 Bellfield Reservoir (Halls Gap) Rainbow trout 20000 Bolac Lake (Lake Bolac) Rainbow trout 8000 Bostock Reservoir (Ballan) Brown trout 2500 Bostock Reservoir (Ballan) Rainbow trout 10000 Boyds Waters (Geelong) Rainbow trout 400 Bringalbert Lake (Bringalbert) Golden perch 5000 Bullarto Reservoir (Bullarto) Brown trout 500 Bullarto Reservoir (Bullarto) Rainbow trout 1000 Bullen Merri Lake (Camperdown) Australian Bass 5000 Bullen Merri Lake (Camperdown) Brown trout 5000
Bullen Merri Lake (Camperdown)
Chinook salmon 30000 Bullen Merri Lake (Camperdown) Rainbow trout 10000 Calembeen Lake (Creswick) Rainbow trout 400 Carpolac Lake (Carpolac) Golden perch 5000 Cartcarrong Lake (Winslow) Brown trout 1500 Cartcarrong Lake (Winslow) Rainbow trout 2000 Cato Lake (Stawell) Rainbow trout 600 Charlegrark Lake (Booroopki) Murray cod 5000 Cobden Lake (Cobden) Rainbow trout 600 Coleraine Lagoon (Coleraine) Rainbow trout 600 Cosgrave Reservoir (Creswick) Brown trout 1000 Cosgrave Reservoir (Creswick) Rainbow trout 1000 Dean Reservoir (Dean) Brown trout 500 Dean Reservoir (Dean) Rainbow trout 1000 Deep Lake (Derrinallum) Brown trout 1000 Deep Lake (Derrinallum) Rainbow trout 1000 Dunkeld Arboretum (Dunkeld) Rainbow trout 400 Elingamite Lake (Cobden) Brown trout 2000 Elingamite Lake (Cobden) Rainbow trout 1500 Esmond Lake (Ballarat) Rainbow trout 500 Ess Lagoon (Casterton) Rainbow trout 1000
Fyans Lake Golden perch 30000 Fyans Lake (Halls Gap) Brown trout 10000 Fyans Lake (Halls Gap) Rainbow trout 20000 Gillear Lake (Allansford) Brown trout 1000 Gillear Lake (Allansford) Rainbow trout 1500 Glenlyon Dam (Glenlyon) Rainbow trout 400 Great Western Racing Recreation Reserve Lake (Great Western) Rainbow trout 200 Green Hill Lake (Ararat) Brown trout 2000 Green Hill Lake (Ararat) Rainbow trout 1000 Green Lake (Horsham) Golden perch 20000 Haddon Reservoir (Haddon) Rainbow trout 400 Hamilton Lake (Hamilton) Brown trout 2000 Hamilton Lake (Hamilton) Rainbow trout 1600 Hepburn Lagoon (Newlyn) Brown trout 5000 Hepburn Lagoon (Newlyn) Rainbow trout 5000 Hopkins River (Kent Ford Road Bridge to Mount Emu Creek) Brown trout 5000 Jack Emmett Lagoon (Rupanyup) Rainbow trout 350 Jubilee Lake (Daylesford) Rainbow trout 400 Jubilee Lake (Skipton) Rainbow trout 400 Konong Wootong Reservoir (Konong Wootong) Brown trout 3000 Konong Wootong Reservoir (Konong Wootong) Rainbow trout 3000 Lascelles Lake (Hopetoun) Golden perch 5000 Lascelles Lake (Hopetoun) Silver perch 20000 Lethbridge Lake (Lethbridge) Rainbow trout 600 Lismore Golf Club Lake (Lismore) Rainbow trout 400 Marma Lake (Murtoa) Golden perch 5000 Marma Lake (Murtoa) Rainbow trout 700 Merri River (Grassmere to Dennington) Brown trout 10000 Miga Lake (Miga) Golden perch 5000 Minyip Wetlands (Minyip) Rainbow trout 200 Moorabool Reservoir (Bolwarrah) Brown trout 20000 Moorabool Reservoir (Bolwarrah) Rainbow trout 15000 Mount Emu Creek (Skipton to Panmure) Brown trout 3000 Moyne River (Rosebrook to Toolong North) Brown trout 2000 Newlyn Reservoir (Newlyn) Brown trout 20000 Nhill Lake (Nhill) Rainbow trout 200 Old Hamilton Reservoir (Hamilton) Rainbow trout 400 Pertobe Lake (Warrnambool) Rainbow trout 900 Police Paddock Dams (Horsham) Rainbow trout 900 Purrumbete Lake (Camperdown) Brown trout 10000 Purrumbete Lake (Camperdown) Cheetah trout 3000
Purrumbete Lake (Camperdown)
Chinook salmon 30000 Purrumbete Lake (Camperdown) Rainbow trout 10000 Purrumbete Lake (Camperdown) Tiger trout 2500 Pykes Creek Reservoir (Ballan) Brown trout 5000
Pykes Creek Reservoir (Ballan) Golden perch 20000 Pykes Creek Reservoir (Ballan) Murray cod 10000 Pykes Creek Reservoir (Ballan) Rainbow trout 30000 Quarry Street Reserve Lake (Trentham) Rainbow trout 200 Ratzcastle Lake (Kangawall) Golden perch 5000 Rocklands Reservoir (Balmoral) Brown trout 10000 Rocklands Reservoir (Balmoral) Golden perch 500000 Rocklands Reservoir (Balmoral) Murray cod 500000 Saint Augustines Water Hole (Geelong) Rainbow trout 1500 Simpson Recreation Reserve Lakes (Simpson) Rainbow trout 600 St Georges Lake (Creswick) Brown trout 1000 St Georges Lake (Creswick) Golden perch 1000 St Georges Lake (Creswick) Rainbow trout 1000 Taylors Lake (Horsham) Golden perch 100000 Taylors Lake (Horsham) Murray cod 50000 Tea Tree Lake (Mortlake) Rainbow trout 600 The Gong (Bunningyong) Rainbow trout 400 Tooliorook Lake (Lismore) Brown trout 5000 Tooliorook Lake (Lismore) Rainbow trout 5000 Toolondo Reservoir (Toolondo) Brown trout 10000 Toolondo Reservoir (Toolondo) Rainbow trout 10000 Upper Stoney Creek Reservoir (Durdidwarrah) Brown trout 5000 Upper Stoney Creek Reservoir (Durdidwarrah) Rainbow trout 20000 Victoria Lakes (Ballarat) Rainbow trout 1000 Wallace Lake (Edenhope) Brown trout 2000 Wallace Lake (Edenhope) Silver perch 1000 Wallace Lake (Edenhope) Rainbow trout 4000 Wartook Lake (Halls Gap) Brown trout 5000 Wartook Lake (Halls Gap) Rainbow trout 10000 Wendouree Lake (Ballarat) Brown trout 6000 Wendouree Lake (Ballarat) Rainbow trout 10000 West Barwon Dam (Forrest) Brown trout 5000 West Barwon Dam (Forrest) Rainbow trout 5000 Willow Lake (Hopetoun) Golden perch 5000 Willow Lake (Hopetoun) Silver perch 5000 Wimmera River (Jeparit to Elmhurst) Golden perch 300000 Wimmera River (Jeparit to Horsham) Murray cod 70000 Wimmera River (Jeparit to Horsham) Silver perch 50000 Wombat Reservoir (Daylesford) Brown trout 1000 Wombat Reservoir (Daylesford) Rainbow trout 1000 Wurdiboluc Reservoir (Winchelsea) Brown trout 10000 Wurdiboluc Reservoir (Winchelsea) Rainbow trout 30000 Yarriambiack Creek (Beulah to Warracknabeal) Golden perch 9000
Gippsland Water Species Number Avon River (Stratford to Valencia Creek) Australian bass 5000 Bemm River Estuary perch 5000 Blue Rock Lake (Willow Grove) Australian bass 50000 Blue Rock Lake (Willow Grove) Brown trout 30000 Blue Rock Lake (Willow Grove) Rainbow trout 25000 Cann River Australian Bass 10000 Cowwarr Weir (Cowwarr) Australian bass 2000 Gippsland lakes Estuary perch 150,000 Glenmaggie Lake (Glenmaggie Australian bass 40000 Glenmaggie Lake (Glenmaggie) Rainbow trout 25000 Guthridge Lake (Sale) Australian bass 5000 Guthridge Lake (Sale) Rainbow trout 500 Heyfield Racecourse Lake (Heyfield) Rainbow trout 600 Hyland Lake (Churchill) Australian bass 1000 Hyland Lake (Churchill) Rainbow trout 2400 Latrobe River Australian bass 20000 Macalister River (Downstream of L. Glenmaggie) Brown trout 2000 Macalister River (Downstream of L. Glenmaggie) Australian bass 20000 Macalister River (Upstream of L. Glenmaggie ) Rainbow trout 5000 Macalister River (Upstream of L. Glenmaggie ) Australian bass 2000 Mitchell River (Glenaladale to Augusvale ) Australian bass 60000 Narracan Lake (Moe) Australian bass 5000 Narracan Lake (Moe) Brown trout 2500 Narracan Lake (Moe) Rainbow trout 3000 Rainbow Creek (Heyfield/Cowwarr) Australian bass 1000 Snowy River Estuary perch 5000 Snowy River Australian bass 50000 Tambo River (Bruthen to Haunted Stream) Australian bass 5000 Thomson River (D/s Cowwarr Weir) Australian bass 5000 Timbarra River (near Junction with the Tambo River) Australian bass 10000 Tyers Lake Estuary perch 5000 Tyers River (Wirilda Park to Caringal) Australian bass 2000 Valencia Creek (U/s Valencia Creek) Australian bass 1000
Hume Water Species Number Allans Flat Dredge Hole (Allans Flat) Golden perch 2000 Allans Flat Dredge Hole (Allans Flat) Rainbow trout 2000 Allans Flat Dredge Hole (Allans Flat) Silver perch 5000 Amaroo Lake (Shepparton) Golden perch 1000 Anderson Lake (Chiltern) Golden perch 1000 Anderson Lake (Chiltern) Rainbow trout 1000 Arboretum Dam (Euroa) Golden perch 1000 Arboretum Dam (Euroa) Rainbow trout 600 Arboretum Dam (Euroa) Silver perch 5000 Banimboola Lake (Dartmouth Pondage) Brown trout 3000 Banimboola Lake (Dartmouth Pondage) Rainbow trout 3000 Bartlett Lake (Tatura) Golden perch 500 Bartlett Lake (Tatura) Rainbow trout 300 Boosey Creek (Katamatite) Golden perch 10000 Boosey Creek (Katamatite) Murray cod 3000 Boosey Creek (Tungamah) Golden perch 5000 Broken Creek (Dip Bridge to Nathalia) Golden perch 30000 Broken Creek (Dip Bridge to Nathalia) Murray cod 10000 Broken River (Benalla Lake to Nillahcootie) Golden perch 30000 Broken River (Benalla Lake to Nillahcootie) Murray cod 20000 Broken River ( Benalla to Shepparton) Golden perch 20000 Broken River ( Benalla to Shepparton) Murray cod 20000 Buffalo Lake (Dandongadale) Brown trout 4000 Buffalo Lake (Dandongadale) Golden perch 20000 Buffalo Lake (Dandongadale) Murray cod 30000 Corryong-Jerimal Creek Murray cod 2500 Craigmuir Lake (Mooroopna) Golden perch 1000 Cudgewa Creek Murray cod 2500 Eildon Lake (Eildon) Brown trout 100000 Eildon Lake (Eildon) Golden perch 500000 Eildon Lake (Eildon) Murray cod 500000 Eildon Lake (Eildon) Rainbow trout 50000 Eildon Pondage Weir (Eildon) Brown trout 1000 Eildon Pondage Weir (Eildon) Rainbow trout 1000 Eildon Pondage Weir (Eildon) Rainbow trout 14000 Eldorado Dredge Hole (Eldorado) Golden perch 5000 Eldorado Dredge Hole (Eldorado) Silver perch 2000 Felltimber Creek Wetlands (Wodonga) Rainbow trout 1200 Glenrowan Rec Reserve Golden perch 1000 Glenrowan Rec Reserve Rainbow trout 1000 Golf Course Dam (Longwood) Rainbow trout 600 Goulburn River (Goulburn Weir to Seymour, including Nagambie) Golden perch 200000 Goulburn River (Goulburn Weir to Seymour, including Nagambie) Murray cod 100000
Goulburn River (Below Goulburn Weir to Yambuna) Golden perch 60000 Goulburn River (Below Goulburn Weir to Yambuna) Murray cod 40000 Goulburn River (Eildon to Molesworth) Brown trout 10000
Goulburn River (Trawool)
Macquarie perch 5000 Goulburn River (Trawool) Trout cod 10000 Hume Lake (Tallangatta) Brown trout 80000 Hume Lake (Tallangatta) Golden perch 200000 Hume Lake including Mitta River (Tallangatta) Murray cod 100000 Kerferd Lake (Beechworth) Golden perch 2000 Kialla Lakes (Shepparton) Golden perch 3000 Kiewa River (Baranduda to Dederang) Murray cod 10000 Les Stone Park Lake (Wodonga) Rainbow trout 600 Lowanna Lake (Shepparton) Golden perch 500 Marysville Lake Rainbow trout 1350 Meriwa Park Rainbow trout 400 Meriwa Park Silver perch 1000 Moodemere Lake (Rutherglen) Golden perch 10000 Mooroopna Recreation Reserve Lake (Mooroopna) Rainbow trout 300 Mount Beauty Pondage (Mount Beauty) Brown trout 1000 Mount Beauty Pondage (Mount Beauty) Rainbow trout 3000 Nillahcootie Lake (Barjarg) Golden perch 30000 Nillahcootie Lake (Barjarg) Murray cod 20000 Ovens River (downstream Wangaratta) Golden perch 50000
Ovens River (Oxley Flats to Rocky Point)
Macquarie perch 5000 Sambell Lake (Beechworth) Golden perch 5000 Sambell Lake (Beechworth) Rainbow trout 900 Seven Creeks (Euroa) Golden perch 4000 Stanley Ditch Dam (Stanley) Golden perch 1000 Stanley Ditch Dam (Stanley) Rainbow trout 1000 Stanley Ditch Dam (Stanley) Silver perch 5000 Sumsion Gardens Lake (Wodonga) Rainbow trout 800 Tronoh (Top) Harrietville Dredge Hole (Harrietville) Rainbow trout 800 Upper Sandy Creek Dam (Upper Sandy Creek) Brown trout 1000 Upper Sandy Creek Dam (Upper Sandy Creek) Rainbow trout 1500 Upper Sandy Creek Dam (Upper Sandy Creek) Silver perch 5000 Victoria Lake (Shepparton) Golden perch 5000 Victoria Lake (Shepparton) Murray cod 1000 Victoria Lake (Shepparton) Rainbow trout 1500 Victoria Lake (Shepparton) Silver perch 5000 William Hovell Lake (Cheshunt South) Brown trout 5000 William Hovell Lake (Cheshunt South) Rainbow trout 10000
Loddon Mallee Water Species Number Avoca River (Charlton to Natte Yallock) Golden perch 20000 Avoca River (Charlton to Natte Yallock) Murray cod 10000 Barkers Creek Reservoir (Harcourt) Brown trout 10000 Barkers Creek Reservoir (Harcourt) Golden perch 10000 Barkers Creek Reservoir (Harcourt) Murray cod 10000 Bealiba Reservoir (Bealiba) Golden perch 5000 Big Meran Lake (Meering) Golden perch 10000 Big Meran Lake (Meering) Murray cod 10000 Boga Lake (Lake Boga) Golden perch 50000 Boga Lake (Lake Boga) Murray cod 15000 Cairn Curran Reservoir (Maldon) Brown trout 25000 Cairn Curran Reservoir (Maldon) Golden perch 100000 Cairn Curran Reservoir (Maldon) Murray cod 50000 Cairn Curran Reservoir (Maldon) Rainbow trout 50000 Campaspe River (Axedale to Rochester) Golden perch 70000 Campaspe River (Axedale to Rochester) Murray cod 50000 Charm Lake (Lake Charm) Golden perch 50000 Charm Lake (Lake Charm) Murray cod 20000 Crusoe Reservoir (Bendigo) Golden perch 5000 Crusoe Reservoir (Bendigo) Rainbow trout 900 Crusoe Reservoir (Bendigo) Silver perch 20000 Cullulleraine Lake (Cullulleraine) Murray cod 6000 Eppalock Lake (Knowsley) Golden perch 400000 Eppalock Lake (Knowsley) Murray cod 80000 First Reedy Lake (Kerang) Golden perch 10000 Foletti Caravan Park Lake (Donald) Golden perch 1000 Foletti Caravan Park Lake (Donald) Rainbow trout 700 Foletti Caravan Park Lake (Donald) Silver perch 5000 Forest Lake (Kangaroo Flat) Rainbow trout 400 Forest Lake (Kangaroo Flat) Silver perch 10000 Goldfields Reservoir (Maryborough) Brown trout 2000 Goldfields Reservoir (Maryborough) Golden perch 5000 Goldfields Reservoir (St Arnaud) Rainbow trout 200 Goldfields Reservoir (St Arnaud) Silver perch 5000 Green Lake (Sea lake) Golden perch 10000 Green Lake (Sea lake) Silver perch 10000 Gunbower Creek (Patho to Spences Bridge) Golden perch 70000 Gunbower Creek (Patho to Spences Bridge) Murray cod 50000 Inglewood Reservoir (Inglewood) Golden perch 1000 Kangaroo Lake (Lake Charm) Golden perch 100000 Kangaroo Lake (Lake Charm) Murray cod 50000 Kennington Reservoir (Strathdale) Golden perch 1000 Kennington Reservoir (Strathdale) Murray cod 1000
Kennington Reservoir (Strathdale) Rainbow trout 1000 Kings Billabong Golden perch 10000 Kings Billabong Murray cod 10000 Kings Billabong Silver perch 30000 Laanecoorie Reservoir (Laanecoorie) Golden perch 50000 Laanecoorie Reservoir (Laanecoorie) Murray cod 50000 Lauriston Reservoir (Lauriston) Brown trout 25000 Lauriston Reservoir (Lauriston) Golden perch 50000 Lauriston Reservoir (Lauriston) Murray cod 10000 Lauriston Reservoir (Lauriston) Rainbow trout 20000 Lindsay River Golden perch 20000 Lindsay River Murray cod 50000 Little Boort Lake (Boort) Golden perch 5000 Little Boort Lake (Boort) Silver perch 10000 Loddon River (Below Laanecoorie to Fernihurst Weir) Golden perch 100000 Loddon River (Below Laanecoorie to Fernihurst Weir) Murray cod 50000 Loddon River (Kerang) Golden perch 5000 Loddon River (Kerang) Murray cod 2000 Malmsbury Reservoir (Malmsbury) Brown trout 5000 Malmsbury Reservoir (Malmsbury) Golden perch 20000 Malmsbury Reservoir (Malmsbury) Murray cod 10000 Malmsbury Reservoir (Malmsbury) Rainbow trout 5000 Neanger (Bendigo) Rainbow trout 600 Neanger (Bendigo) Silver perch 10000 Ouyen Lake Golden perch 10000 Ouyen Lake Rainbow trout 500 Ouyen Lake silver perch 30000 Serpentine Creek (Duham Ox) Golden perch 5000 Serpentine Creek (Duham Ox) Murray cod 2000 Talbot Reservoir (Evansford) Brown trout 2000 Talbot Reservoir (Evansford) Rainbow trout 2000 Tchum Lake (Birchip) Rainbow trout 2000 Tchum Lake (Birchip) Silver perch 10000 Tchum Lake (Birchip) Golden perch 8000 Teddington Reservoir Bottom (Stuart Mill) Golden perch 2000 Teddington Reservoir Bottom (Stuart Mill) Rainbow trout 2000 Tom Thumb Lake (Eaglehawk) Rainbow trout 200 Tullaroop Reservoir (Carisbrook) Brown trout 20000 Tullaroop Reservoir (Carisbrook) Golden perch 100000 Tullaroop Reservoir (Carisbrook) Rainbow trout 50000 Upper Coliban Reservoir (Kyneton) Brown trout 25000 Upper Coliban Reservoir (Kyneton) Golden perch 50000 Upper Coliban Reservoir (Kyneton) Rainbow trout 30000 Victoria Lake (Maryborough) Golden perch 5000 Walkers Lake (Avon Plains) Golden perch 5000 Walkers Lake (Avon Plains) Silver perch 10000
Watchem Lake (Watchem) Golden perch 5000 Watchem Lake (Watchem) Silver perch 5000 Wooroonook Lake (Charlton) Golden perch 5000 Wooroonook Lake (Charlton) Silver perch 10000
Port Phillip Water Species Number Albert Park Lake (Albert Park) Golden perch 5000 Albert Park Lake (Albert Park) Murray cod 1000 Albert Park Lake (Albert Park) Rainbow trout 3000 Albert Park Lake (Albert Park) Silver perch 10000 Aura Vale Golden perch 50 Berwick Springs Estate Lake (Berwick) Rainbow trout 1500 Casey Fields Lake (Cranbourne) Golden perch 1000 Casey Fields Lake (Cranbourne) Murray cod 1000 Casey Fields Lake (Cranbourne) Silver perch 1000 Casey Fields Lake (Cranbourne) Rainbow trout 2000 Caulfield Racecourse Lake (Caulfield) Rainbow trout 600 Darlingsford Lake (Melton) Rainbow trout 1000 Devilbend Reservoir (Mooroduc) Brown trout 10000 Devilbend Reservoir (Mooroduc) Rainbow trout 25000 Don Lake (Healesville) Rainbow trout 800 Emerald Lake (Emerald) Rainbow trout 1000 Ferntree Gully Quarry Australian bass 1000 Ferntree Gully Quarry Brown trout 500 Ferntree Gully Quarry Golden perch 1000 Ferntree Gully Quarry Murray cod 1000 Ferntree Gully Quarry Rainbow trout 900 Garfield Lake (Garfield) Rainbow trout 500 Hanging Rock Lake (Woodend) Rainbow trout 700 Karkarook Lake (Moorabbin) Golden perch 1000 Karkarook Lake (Moorabbin) Murray cod 1000 Karkarook Lake (Moorabbin) Rainbow trout 6000 Karkarook Lake (Moorabbin) Silver perch 8000 Lilliput Lane Reserve (Pakenham) Rainbow trout 200 Lillydale Lake (Lilydale) Golden perch 5000 Lillydale Lake (Lilydale) Murray cod 3000 Lillydale Lake (Lilydale) Rainbow trout 2000 Lillydale Lake (Lilydale) Silver perch 5000 Maribyrnong River Estuary perch 100000 Melton Reservoir (Melton) Golden perch 30000 Melton Reservoir (Melton) Murray cod 10000 Melton Reservoir (Melton) Silver perch 50000 Navan Park Lake (Melton) Golden perch 1000 Navan Park Lake (Melton) Murray cod 1000 Navan Park Lake (Melton) Silver perch 5000 Navan Park Lake (Melton) Rainbow trout 1200 Nursery Reservoir (Macedon) Rainbow trout 500 Pakenham Lake (Pakenham) Rainbow trout 1500 Rowville Lakes (Rowville) Hutton and Hill Lakes Rainbow trout 1100
Rowville Lakes (Rowville) Sutton and Hill Lakes Golden perch 1000 Rowville Lakes (Rowville) Sutton and Hill Lakes Murray cod 1000 Rowville Lakes (Rowville) Sutton and Hill Lakes Silver perch 1000 Roxburgh Park Lakes (Roxburg Park) Rainbow trout 800 Roxburgh Park Lakes (Roxburgh Park) Golden perch 1000 Roxburgh Park Lakes (Roxburgh Park) Murray cod 1000 Roxburgh Park Lakes (Roxburgh Park) Silver perch 1000 Spavan Lake (Sunbury) Golden perch 1000 Spavan Lake (Sunbury) Murray cod 1000 Spavan Lake (Sunbury) Rainbow trout 1200 Spavan Lake (Sunbury) Silver perch 1000 Yarrambat Lake (Yarrambat) Rainbow trout 2600
This reel was part of my grandfathers collection and it was given to me when he died , its also worth noting given the time of year, that my grandfather was captured by the Japanese at the fall of Singapore in the second world war and spent the rest of his incarceration moving from Changi prison camp to the Burma railway and in the end the Americans found him in a coal mine in Japan and he was then liberated to Australia, he was a keen fisherman , I and my brother spent many hours in a very small boat fishing the Murray , Broken , Wakati and all the other small rivers in the north of Vic .
[wpvideo SbdWMEFF]
He was a tough proud man and would not suffer fools, he was partly blind and his best mate was deaf , it was a delight to see them in a boat together.
This video shows the wall of concrete and stone I have built around the front dam , this dam will give me about three or so megalitres to use through the dryer months, I will put blackfish into the dam, I have already placed thirty odd shrimp into the dam for food for the fish, at night you can hear the frogs all around the dam so I suppose they or their tadpoles will also provide food for the fish.
[wpvideo Y0SUEIHp]
Insects from the nearby trees should also provide food , and I will supplement their food with crickets and grubs and the odd worm .
In time i might invite fishers to come and fish for a blackfish and of course there will be a small entry fee.