Pick it up, take it home.

DSCF0698.JPGDSCF0697.JPGIf we would like to have places like beaches and river banks to swim and play then we must learn to put our rubbish in bins or take it home. The pictures above show a glass and a glass sliver that I found by the side of a river where people swim and fish they would do a lot of damage to someone’s foot should they step on this and just take the fishing line home.


DSCF0692.JPGCheck out the growth rate of this fish, he is 85 days old and 90 mm long.
UPDATE: It is becoming clear that these fish grow very quickly given the right condition this gives hope that population can recover if things are put right in their range. we all know what the problems are but I will mention a few anyway turbidity, habitat loss, overfishing , blue gums etc.

Keeping it clean

DSCF0583 (5)The water in the tanks is about 23 degrees the p/h is between 7.5- 8.5 and the ammonia level is 0.5-i.0 that’s close to perfect , however I am expecting a spike in ammonia as the fish age and eat more food, with night time temps getting cooler I don’t expect water temps to be an issue going forward. You can see in this photo that the water has a tannin look about it that’s because I placed dried gum leaves it the water, I believe the eucalyptus in the leaves and branches can help in the fight against bacteria.

Rain Needed

DSCF0685.JPGTo say its dry is stating the obvious. Without the help of a local farming who lets me use his spring water I would be sunk (or not).Note the green garbage bins these bins are for small fish to find protection from both birds and bigger fish.

What to call them

My comments about a name change has stirred some debate among readers of this blog, my reason for a change is simple it is acceptance, the name black fish is a good description most of the time, it is true when you catch a fish out of a over grown river or stream they are black however in a world where perception is everything cod is a far more appealing sounding name and might engender more good will towards the  fish, southern cod is probably not correct because there range extended far outside the southern reaches of east Aust perhaps eastern cod or as I said in a previous post marbled cod .

Sorting out

DSCF0678.JPGEventually these fish will need to be graded so that one fish does not get an advantage over the others. the above and below photos show the size differential. It is also worth noting the tiger stripes on these fish which I believe are badly named,Cleary they can change there colour to suit the background there in. I would welcome others opinions on this topic I would prefer something like southern cod or marbled cod please let me know weather they should be renamed or not or offer your name.DSCF0681

Growing up


This fish was hatched about the 20th dec 2015 so roughly 70 days old, I would be interested to hear from others how that compares with other native fish. by measuring my hand it makes him about 75mm . a little  beauty. DSCF0676.JPG


This food is for Murray Cod fingerlings but blackfish being a very similar fish will take this food and should do well, the largest fish of the fingerlings for 2015 breedingseason  are about 55 mm long , given that these fish are only about 2 months old that’s not bad . they seem to be doing better in the outside tanks , I think that is because they get some natural food from insects that they don’t get inside.DSCF0671