This blog will seek to answer some of the questions that surrounds black fish and indeed all native fishes. First of all let me introduce my self my name for this blog will be sticks a nick name. I have fished all over Australia , I have fished both inland and off shore and in swamps. dams, creeks, estuaries I have caught yabbies dug bardies grubs and worms I have caught crickets and grass hoppers and have used all manner of lures.
My aim is to put back into the water fish so that future generation have fish to catch places to camp and enjoy the great outdoors.
To this end I have set up a fish breeding hatchery and have for the last two years produced juvenile black fish , I have around 150 at the moment. where to from here well we have to convince the powers that be to begin restocking rivers and streams you would think that would be easy however there many hurdles to cross.